Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Clanditine Boats

When I read about the regional defense shield using US surface ships against Iran's I though - big problem.  Iran can launch hundreds of not thousands of small suicide boats and even mini submarines.  Actually the could launch them from other than Iranian shores.  They can be made clandestinely in the UAE, Qatar or where ever and launched from unsuspecting locations.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Hypothesis - What Killed Michael Jackson

Using a variety of prescription drugs over a good number of years and being relatively inactive then entering into an immediate phase of strenuous activity.  The myriad of trapped drug molecules store around the body are then released into the body's metabolism causing a variety of symptoms which are confusing and worrisome to the victim who may think they are elevated stress levels and treat them with more drugs.  The drugs may not be so detectable as drugs which were just taken as they may be trapped around the body near vital organs.  This is one of the reason's how people can be detected for drugs over a number of years even after quitting.  The sports industry, military and certain industry careers test for such drugs on a routine basis.

It could be Michael Jackson died due to the combination of the resident drug molecules, new stress and a body that was not ready for the extreme amount of effort required for his style of entertainment.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Adam Lambert

This guy will take the music scene to new levels.  He has an amazing voice.  Passion.  A flare for showmanship, but above all he is humble and honest with tons of confidence.

I predict that his primary impact will be outside of the United States as Adam represents the real American.  Living on the edge and not afraid of his own meaning in this life.

Many Americans are afraid of this type of person.  They believe that he represents a culture that is decadent and wrong.

Remember Elvis, Michael Jackson, Elton John, The Beatles etc.  They all suffered setbacks due to public predisposition.  In reality these people are secretly admired even if they are despised.