Sunday, August 16, 2020

The collapse of American Values


Death and disease is gradual.  From the day you are born you are already in the process of dying.  It sounds very pessimistic but the truth is all of life is consumed by life.  From the moment you are born your body has to fight off disease and cell damage from all kinds of internal and external threats.  You are an opportunity for other organisms and while you are strong you can prosper and when you are weak you will suffer and ultimately die.

Countries are like people.  They have a birth, an identity, and suffer from disease and pestilence that comes in the form of how their cells, which are the people, perform over a period of time.

The brain of a country is the political mechanism by which all decisions are made to keep the country going.  The heart, lungs, muscles can be equated to education, science and the economy.  It doesn't really matter how you make the association.  What does matter is to look at the journey and to see what happens to a country over time.

The United States was born not as a baby, but a teenager who ran away from home, it's British home.  With high ideals and reflection on the rights and wrong of the mother country, the United States grew up, fighting itself in the civil war and creating for itself a position of leadership in the world through it's strength and power built up over the years.

The United States had its mid life crisis in the mid 20th century with a number of wars and a reckoning of how to use or misuse its power amongst other nations.  The Vietnam war drew a line making America less prone to get in fights that it couldn't win or walk away from with some sense of dignity.  

In the beginning of the 21st century America started to suffer failures in many of its organs.  America was not young anymore, it was becoming old and set in its ways.  Becoming less able or willing to change.  America was inflicted more from outside and inside forces that made it weaker and less able to perform.

Recently America started to suffer brain damage, its political apparatus was not functioning as in the past.  The forces that kept America somewhat united started to turn against each other and made the body more susceptible to inner and outer attacks.

As a weak country the divided America, a body infirm and unable to stand up straight and proud becomes prey to internal and external threats.

America is becoming like an old senile man who is always angry, doesn't know what to do and overreacts to everything.

The enemies both domestic and foreign to our body are working to kill the dream we were told was ours to follow forever.

The only way out is a re-birth, a new America, a new dream, a renaissance.  

In the new America we must be like new borns we must reeducate ourselves with the virtues of greatness and keep sacred the innocence and purity of youth.

History has shown that this process is painful but necessary.  We must be prepared to suffer the consequences of rebirth even as our body struggles to stay alive in the old ways.

When will this happen?  How will it happen?  Nobody knows.  But it will happen and it will take place.  History has shown that this is the cycle of human civilization.  This is the rule of Rise and Collapse.  Rebirth will be the only way to ensure we will still have a United States of America.  

If we do not undergo this process, as a country we will end up like all the other civilizations that did not follow this path and will be different countries with different people and different ways of life. There will be no United States.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Education does not Make Prosperity

I've heard a lot about how educating people will make them prosperous and therefore we should invest heavily into education.  I disagree.

Hard earned prosperity leads to educating people and this comes from the creation of jobs.  There are so many examples abounding. 

There are countries that have very educated people but are poor.  The Philippines, India, many former soviet countries.  Then there are very rich countries that have poorly educated people even though they are prosperous.  The United States, Saudi Arabia and others.

I premise that the wealth of these countries came from two things.  Resources and hard work.  In the US it was the struggle to earn a living and having adequate resources.  In Saudi Arabia it was primarily resources and the hard work of others and their ability to survive in the past under very extreme conditions.  The settlers in the New World struggled.

So where does education come from.  Well I believe that those who struggle want their children to have a better life and they believe that this will come through education.  They somehow felt that because they did not have an education that they were disadvantaged.  They noted that wealth people educated their children and spent heavily on nurturing them in this regard.

What they didn't understand is that education was a way to differentiate oneself from others.  This education allowed the creation of and elevated class.  When there is nothing else one can be distinguished by his/her education.  The props alone alone would not be enough.  There is something about speech and understanding that leads people to believe they are superior.

The hard earned prosperity of the previous generations allowed the wealth to spend on this education.  This is why even in education there are so called "Ivy League" institutions.  A must go for wealth people.

As for countries and cultures when there are resources to exploit and the resulting earnings reach the poor, then there is the instinct for people to invest into education for their children.  In countries where there is exploitation and educational programs but not wealth reaches the poor, then the poor people of these countries remain poor in spite of their education.

Jobs/employment allow a person to accumulate wealth during their life time create the need for education.  It is important that the job or employment is competitive and has a certain level of difficulty.  The feeling of competition and hard work creates the best atmosphere for the wage or salary earner to think about the future of their children in a way that they will make substantial sacrifices to provide them with a competitive advantage.  It is a common feeling amongst this workforce that if their children had a better education then they would not have to suffer or struggle as much.

More often than not the subsequent generations of children who are educated and lead a somewhat comfortable life without struggle end up not being prosperous as much as their immediate ancestors.

China is a prime example of where this struggle will play out.  The average Chinese worker really struggles to make ends meet and works hard.  Those that succeed somewhat will surely invest in their child's education thinking that as they see the higher education of the children of more wealthy, that this is the right direction to go.  This creates the perfect medium for education to flourish.

What worries most western countries about emerging countries is not their wealth but the fact that they have so many people who are willing to sacrifice to provide a better way of life for their children, and this will translate into a powerful and aggressive economy.

Western countries are more fearful of the lethargic nature of their population which has resulted from success than what their nation competitors are achieving.

So I believe that the drive for better education is a symptom of what they believe was the causal effect of prosperity.  Actually it is the ability to have a job that is not easy, but somewhat rewarding that will lead to a resurgence in education and not the other way around.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Clanditine Boats

When I read about the regional defense shield using US surface ships against Iran's I though - big problem.  Iran can launch hundreds of not thousands of small suicide boats and even mini submarines.  Actually the could launch them from other than Iranian shores.  They can be made clandestinely in the UAE, Qatar or where ever and launched from unsuspecting locations.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Hypothesis - What Killed Michael Jackson

Using a variety of prescription drugs over a good number of years and being relatively inactive then entering into an immediate phase of strenuous activity.  The myriad of trapped drug molecules store around the body are then released into the body's metabolism causing a variety of symptoms which are confusing and worrisome to the victim who may think they are elevated stress levels and treat them with more drugs.  The drugs may not be so detectable as drugs which were just taken as they may be trapped around the body near vital organs.  This is one of the reason's how people can be detected for drugs over a number of years even after quitting.  The sports industry, military and certain industry careers test for such drugs on a routine basis.

It could be Michael Jackson died due to the combination of the resident drug molecules, new stress and a body that was not ready for the extreme amount of effort required for his style of entertainment.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Adam Lambert

This guy will take the music scene to new levels.  He has an amazing voice.  Passion.  A flare for showmanship, but above all he is humble and honest with tons of confidence.

I predict that his primary impact will be outside of the United States as Adam represents the real American.  Living on the edge and not afraid of his own meaning in this life.

Many Americans are afraid of this type of person.  They believe that he represents a culture that is decadent and wrong.

Remember Elvis, Michael Jackson, Elton John, The Beatles etc.  They all suffered setbacks due to public predisposition.  In reality these people are secretly admired even if they are despised.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Arabs - American Aces

The first ACE in the United States of America with Jets was Arab... think about it....

We as Americans are tuti fruit....

Monday, November 3, 2008

The More

The more you do the less you cant do the more you want the less you need the more you see the less you cant see the more  you hear the more you cant hear.

So it is a matter of more and less.  Then it is important to do less and get more!

Things on My Mind